Funders / Sponsors

Doras Buí would like to thank our funders, sponsors, partners & corporations for their confidence in our work.


Our vision at Doras Buí a Parents Alone Resource Centre would not be a reality without the huge commitment and active belief and support from our funders, sponsors, partners, and corporate agents. Together we are helping make a difference in the lives of so many.  Doras Buí is committed to providing valuable support, we are committed to helping people, strengthening families, and building stronger, healthier, and safer communities and we are eternally grateful for the various support we receive.


Doras Buí are delighted to be chosen as one of the lucky recipients of the #RTEToyShowAppeal

A HUGE thanks to everyone who donated to the RTE Toy Show Appeal.

This funding will allow us to offer Occupational Therapy Services to Children in our Community.

We are absolutely thrilled to share this news with you.

RTE The Late Late Show Community Foundation Ireland


logo images of doras bui sponsors and funders