Category Archives: Heal Your Life

Heal Your Life Workshops

Doras Buí holds workshops on Health and Wellbeing.  One of our health and well-being workshops is ‘Heal Your Life’ is facilitated by Anita Whelan.  Our next HYL workshop date will be announced when scheduled.

Heal your Life workshops are powerful life and life changing, they are all about inspiration and transformation.

The courses are normally run over 6 weeks and focuses on well-being, abundance, healing, love, health, emotions, positive relationships, releasing old beliefs and creating new ones that best serve you, career, finance, and enlightenment .

The course will support you in creating a life that is accepting for you. 

If you would like to expand your personal development and ultimately sculpture a life that leaves you feeling you have control over how you live your life, please leave your details and we will contact you when the next course comes available.


Doras Buí’s Snoezelen Sensory Room Launch Day April 2023

Doras Buí's Snoezelen A Multi-Sensory Room for All Ages


On Wednesday 19th April 2023, Doras Buí held its Open Day for the launch of our Snoezelen Sensory Room.


Our Sensory Room is a Free Service Open to:

  • Local Schools, Early Years Services, Counselling Services, Therapists, Care Givers & Senior Citizens.
  • Anyone with Sensory Processing Needs.
    Perfect for all ages and abilities.


Terms and Conditions of Use

An appointment will be required as it is not a drop in service.

Individual Referrals can only acccess the Service through Registration with Doras Buí.

Sessions can be booked for the individual or group’s needs e.g. one hour a week over 6 weeks.

Eash session will be 45 minutes to 1 hour maximum, up to the maximum of 6 sessions per client.

A Care Giver and or Professional Support Persons must always accompany and be present in th room.

Clients should not be left in the room alone.

Our Sensory Snoezelen can offer a safe, soothing and stimulating experience through lighting effects, colour, sounds and music.

Sensory Room Benefits

Support Emotional Well-being & Development.

Allow for Motor Skills Development & Practice.

Encourage problem solving and provide a calming space.

Designed to stimulat senses and encourage learning.

A relaxing space that helps to reduce Agitation & Anziety.

The Snoezelen Sensory Room is an Aditonal Resource to Doras Buí services. It is Not a Therapeutic Practice.

Sensory Room opening times are:
Mon-Thurs 9:00am – 4:00pm
Fridays 9:00am – 3:00pm


To Book a Session

Please Call 01 848 4811

to Speak to a Staff Member

Or Email:


International Womens Day March 2023

Doras Buí’s International Women’s Day

Tuesday 7th March 2023

Doras Buí celebrated International Women’s Day along with our participants, local organisations and the Deputy Lord Mayor: Darcy Lonergan.

Our Programmes Co-ordinator: Adele O’Connor opened the event with a speech followed by our programmes service providers and the Deptuty Lord Mayor.

Vidoes are below for viewing.  It was a great day for women to gather and celebrate #embrace equity and all women.

photo of doras bui's CEO anita whelan and the deputy lord mayor of dublin
photo of doras bui board of managment members and the deptuty lord mayor of dublin
photo of doras bui's staff members and the deputy lord mayor of dublin for international womens day
photo of programme co-ordinator and the deptuty lord mayor of dublin